Fiber network solution

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Some of the introduction of fiber optic patch cable

In many situations, we have to have a demountable connection between fibers, between a fiber and a source or a detector, or between different fiber optic instruments.Demountable connections are achieved using fibers with connectivity terminations.Differrent designs of connectors have been prepared over many year with that the aimof reducing the loss or for ease of connection,The connector should ensure that the fiber core is alingned with the laser or the dector or the fiber to whinch itis being connectred .Due to the smallness of the core of the fiber,connectors are high-precision devices with tolerances of less than 1 um,Connector losses between two fibers will be minimized if the fibres are identical and perfectly aligned and touch each other,Any gap between the two fibers will lead to a small loss but also to reflections,It is possible to reduce back reflection b using angle-polinshed end faces since reflection from the ends do not couple back into the fiber provided that the angle of the polish is chosen appropriately .In a connector, the fiber ends are polished and fixed, any dirt on the fiber end can lead to losses when the connector is utilized.

Each connector consists of four major componets the ferrule the connectorbody the cable ,and the coupling device,the ferrule is a long,thin cylindraical device, ussually made of metl or ecramic,wiht a holedrilled thouht its cenre,the hole diametre is silightly larger than the cladding diameter so the fiebr can be positioned sungly within the ferrule ,connectors with different ferrule shapes or finisshed are available ,most currently used ferrules allow for physical conact betwwn the two fiber being connected,better physical contact is achieved by using a conves surface for the ferrules,

The connector body is usually made out for metal or plastic and holds the ferrule that carries the fiber ,the ferrule extends beyond the connector body so as to be able to connect to another connector ,the cable jacket and strength members are usually bonded or crimped to be connector body ,the cable is attached to be body of the connector and a acts as the point of entry for the fiber,the coupling device helps in the alignment of two fibers ,There are several types of fiber optic connectors available today. The most common is ST, SC, FC, MT-RJ and LC style.LC-LC Fiber Cable are utilized to send high-speed data transmissions throughout your network.The LC fiber patch cable is just a tiny form factor (SFF) connector and is ideal for high density applications.The LC fiber patch cable has a zirconia ceramic ferrule measuring 1.25mm O.D. with either a PC or APC and provides optimum insertion and return loss.The LC Patch Cable connector is supported in small diameter mini-cordage (1.6mm/2.0mm) as well as 3.0mm cable. LC fiber patch cable connectors are available in cable assembled or one piece connectors

Fiber Optic Cord are the simplest fiber optic elements,consinsting of shor length fo opticalfiber with a connetor on either end,Since they are used to connect various componentsand instruments in a fiber optic system ,their chareacteristics in term of loss and aging determine the oveall performance of the system ,Inprinciple,When two patch cords are connected ,if the fibers are identical,it should result in alomost zero loss,in actual pratice the loss may not be very small sincethe fiber may not be completely concentric wiht the connector centor center,there could be dust at the tip of the connector,or there could be misalignments when two patch cords are mated ,Patch cords with differnt tys fo fiber and different conncetor types are available Typical insertion loss of patchd are about 0.4 dB ,with a return loss fo better than 50.DB.</P