Fiber network solution

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Purchase and restoration guide of fibre optics

Be ordered separately,other than as part of the entire front or rear body writing harness can be ordered separately,other than as part of the entire front or rear body wring harness,where are you aftermost produces?however ,Fiber Optic Cord  can be purchased from some scientific suppliers in various from some scientficsuppliers in various diameters and lengths ,or floor from dealer in custom ban parts in the meantime ,here are some brilliant ideas from john practical on how to make the most of damaged fibre optics.

A severed fibre optic cord looks likes this and must be cut off clean before the connection can be made ,if the break is very near the end for the cord,look at ways of releasing some of the fiber optic cord from the harness so that you can ease it through to a shorter route and make a direct connection to the lamp.

dimmed fibre optics can often be improved by cleanning road grime and dirt from the back fo headiamps,On the other hand ,if none fibre optic has had to be reparined leaving one trm signal light in the cockpit brightre than the other you could try spraying a little aluminum paint over the back of headlamp on the googd side to diminish the amount of light transmitted and match it with the repaired sied,Alternatively you could try increasing the amount of light getting into the fibre optic cord on the repaired side.LC Patch Cable is the small compact form LC fiber optic connector. It presents the RJ-45 style interface with low insertion loss and low back reflection. It is with extreme precision alignment and is widely used all over the world. And both Simplex LC cable and duplex LC cable. The connector is 1.25mm O.D zirconia ceramic ferrule; LC fiber cable can be 9/125 single mode or 50/125 multimode or 62.5/125 multimode, PC, UPC or APC and face. It is compliant to TEA/TIA and IEC standards .These LC-LC Fiber Cable including single mode and multimode types, in simplex and duplex versions. Cables can be Rizer rated or plenum rated, with LSZH cable and RoHS compliant cables available


signals can be made brighter by redrilling the cords socket at an angle so the cord is aimed more accurately at the bulbs filament decreasing the distance between the filament and the fibre optic by one half is said to increase the light in the passenger compartment by four times.

As we said earlier ,you may be able to purchase new lengths of fibre optic cord but you would haveto disguise them anywhere that would turn a concourse judge's head The cost of installing an individual cord would be far less than a complete hamrness however because none of the electrcal connections would have to be remade afremarket hamessea are now becoming abailable for those occasions when you do need to replace the comolete harness,such as in a total restoation or after a part fire if you are fortuate enough to locate an original GM body wiring harness for those cars containning fibre optics cords you can occasionally pick them up at swap meets or through enthusiast advertisements in club magazines these are the part mumbers to look out for.