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Module Choices for Cisco Switch Slots


In large part, because of the flexibility they are anticipated add-on options.Not only takes care of the Cisco IOS has the richest set of features available relative to any other network operating system, but the IOS is also tailor fit to each Cisco networking device, switches in particular, the Cisco switch product lines are widely deployed globally.

To illustrate the alternatives available, that are literally too voluminous to be included out here, we concentrate on the catalyst 3560 switches.Catalyst 3560 switches ought to switch form- factor plug-hole (SFP) ports that support numerous sfp transceiver modules.

What follows is a set of the SFP modules supported on more than one forms of 3560 switches:

Fast Ethernet SFP modules;

100BASE-FX (multimode fiber optic ) for a couple of kilometers

100BASE-LX 10 (single-mode fiber -optic )for two km

100BASE-BX 10 for 10 km

100BASE-EX for 40 km

1000BASE-ZX for 80 km

Gigabit Ethernet SFP modules:

1000BASE-SX 50/62.5um around 550/220 m

1000BASE-LX/LH (1000base lx lh sfp)as much as 10/.550km

1000BASE-ZX approximately 70 km

1000BASE-BX 10-D and 1000BASE-BX 10-U around 10 km

1000BASE-T( 1000base t sfp transceiver)

10 Gigabit Ethernet SFP modules:

10G-SR up 400 m

10G-SR-X as much as 400 m (supporting extended temperature range)

10G-LRM around 220m

FET-10G around 100 m (for Nexus fabric uplinks)

10G-LR approximately 10 km

10G-LR-X up 10 km (supporting extended temperature range)

10G-ER as much as 40 km

10G-ZR around 80 km

Twinax(copper wire transceiver ) approximately 10m

sfp transceivers for sale

Active Optical approximately 10 m (for intra-/inter-rack connections)

40 Gibabit Ethernet and 100 Gigabit Ethernet modules are consistent with high-end Cisco devices, like the Catalyst 6500, the CRS router, the ASR 9000 series router, and also the Nexus 7000 series switch.