Fiber network solution

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Cabling Configuration for A Basic Fiber Optic Network

Cabling Configuration for A Basic Fiber Optic Network,each end of a duplex patch cord should identify position A and postion B .This is typically accomplished with raised lettering on the latch that holds together the two connectors at each end of the patch cord.A raised letter on the latch holding together two SC connector is shown in Figure 17.29.Because of the physical size on an SC connector,the raised lettering is easy to read. However,this is not the case with small form factor connectors such as the latched LC pair shown in Figure17.30

There are some related duplex sc patch cord from our store, the following picture, you can see.

This is an "Yellow" single-mode cable with a 9 μm core and 125 μm cladding diameter. The cable has a color-coded Dual SC connector on each end. Cost-effective solution that provides high bandwidth and transmission rates over longer distances. With SC to SC termination, this high-quality fiber optic patch cable is specifically designed for Gigabit Ethernet applications. The patented injection molding process provides each connection greater durability in resisting pulls, strains and impacts from cabling installs.

The first step in verifying the polarity of the chanels shown in Figure17.28 is to de-enrgize the equipment at both ends of the network,Since lathced duplex patch cords are used,unlug both connectors from both ends of the patch cords at each of the network.Using the continuity tester,verify that connectors on each end of a patch cord are oriented so position A goes to positionB .You can do so byinserting the ferrule of the A position connector into the continuity teseter as shown in Figure17.31.

With the connecetor inserted,energize the continutity tester and check to see if light is exiting the optical fiber in position B at the oppotite the path cord.if light is exiting the optical fiber in position B,the polarity is correct.if ligtht is exting the optical fiber in position A,the polarty is not correct.With the continuity tester still attached and energized ,unlatch both conectors,seap locations,and relatch.Verify light is extiing forem the optical fiber in positon B.Repeat this for the other fiber patch cords and correct as necessray.

With both patch cords properly configred,the next step is to verify the polarity the horizontal cabling .To minimize accses to other horizontal cabling,you should work from the equipment outlet to the pach panel.REmove the cover of the equipment outlet and plug both connectors at one end of the path cord into the receptacles on the equipment ontlet.Do not disturb the horionta cabling connections.

Insert the ferrule of the A postion connector at the end of the patch cord into the continuity tester as shown earlier in Figure17.31.With the connector inserted,engrgize the continuity tester as shown earlier in Figure 17.31.With the conector inserted,energize the continuity teser and check to see if light is exiting the horizontal cabling optical fiber in positionB at the pach panel.If light is exiting the optical fiber in postion B,the polarity is not correct.With the continuity tester still attached and energized,unlatch,Light should be exiting from the optical fiber in positionB.Reinstall the equipment outtlet cover.