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Major Characteristics Of Optical Switching Devices


A major application for these new switches was supposed to be in dense wavelength division multiplexing.To squeeze more traffic into a network, none of the strategies is tantamount to deploy DWDM, A programmable DWDM. Add/drop node "drops" one or more wavelengths out of a multilaterally channel and reroutes them to a different destination while potentially "adding " traffic from another source to the channel.

One of the most impressive optical switches was a 1152*1152 OXC for Xros.The product was supposed to be in the market in 2001.Another player was electron a spin-off company from the University of Essex.Most major player in MEMS Optical Switch were baking the traditional micromicron approach,but Agilent Technologies has a fluidic approach based on its ink-jet technologies has a fluidic approach based on this in-jet technology,In the Agilent switch,bubbles deflect the light between criss-crossing waveguides ,and at coring ,liquid crystals are used.The four most popular optical switch approaches are compared.

It was expected that optical switches would achieve full commercializatino by 2004.The great promise that these truly enabling MOEMs devices sem to offer was at firtst walidated by the acquired by Nortel Networks for $3.25 billion in stock;lntellisence,67% of which was acquired for $500 million by coring and cronos Technologies,However ,as we more than 10 billion dollar investment by these large Optical Switches Manufacturers  in 1999-2000 became a texbook example of "irrational exuberance".There were not sufficient customers for the more than eight start-ups, and the three largest investing companies pulled back.What was still the all optical switching market, in the period between 2002 and 2004, was littered with the broken shells of startups that often tried to survive by doing seems optical switch foundry work.

Today, some surviving MOEMS companies, building all-optical switches, are successfully targeting more modest switch applications; say, for apartment building or university switchboards, and new emerging applications such as semiconductor test equipment.Companies such as Glimmerglass say to have solved the problems previously associated with the MOEM switches and maintain that their optical switches are more reliable, less complicated and more, and more cost effective.The reflexion eighty switch pack of glomerulus acts as either trivial core module tailored for communications systems manufacturers or as larger evaluation system.The evaluation system includes the reflection module, as well as ocular channel power monitors, a fiber patch panel and an ethernets's control interface.It is properly packed into a 4.5-by 9.5-by 7.0 inch racks -mountable case that consumes just 20w.

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As we saw above, instead of switching signals among very large arrays of Fiber Optic Companies  for telecommunications switches, TI targeted its digital light processing technology to projectors and video displays.Because it focused on the right mass consumer application from the get-to, TI's digital micrometer device turned out to be a big scale MEMs

Introduce To Opto-mechanical Switch


The Fiber Optical Switch can be a mechanical, opto-mechanical, or electronic device that opens or closes an optical circuit.The switch can be used for complete or break an optical path.Passive fiber optic switches will route an optical signal without electro-optical or optometrists conversion.However, a passive optical switch can use an electromechanical device to physically position the switch.An optical switch can get one or more input ports and two or more output ports.

As with any other type of switch, the MEMS Optical Switch has many uses, being dependent on the complexity of the design.In essence, the switch is the control for making, breaking, or modifying the connections within an optical circuit.This definition can be extended to incorporate the concept of the switch as the control that interconnects or transfers connections from one optical circuit to another.

It is important to note of the basic switch parameters for an optical switch.Some of the performance parameters to consider are the number of input and output ports(required size of the switch) ,optical fiber type,connector type,center wavelength,bandwidth,losses,crosstalk,switching speed ,durability (number of switching cycles),power handing ,and repeatability (the amount of change in output power each time the switch changes stage).

An Opto-mechanical Switch  redirects an optical signal by moving fiber or  bulk optic elements by means of mechanical devices.These types of switches are normally stepper motor driven.The stepper will move a mirror that guides the light from the input to the desired output.Although photomechanical switches are inherently slow due to the actual physical movement of the optical elements, their reliability, moderate insertion losses, and minimal crosstalk make them a widely deployed type of switch.

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The opto-mechanical switch works on the premise that the input and output light beams are collated and "matched" within the switching device--the beams are moved within the device to make sure the switched connection from the input to the output.The opto-mechanical switch can be physically larger than alternative switches.But many micromechanical fiber-optic switches are available.

Introduce To Mechanical Optical Switch


The development of practical optical switches will probably be the final step in the deployment of the complete optical network of the next decade switching has always bottleneck that has yielded many innovative solutions and novel implementations ,so there should be an array of switching techniques developed as designs shift toward the Mechanical Optical Switch .We have defined a whole new set of signals that not only need to be multiplexed and demilitarised, but is required to provide the vast switching matrix required for efficient communications.Optical switches and cross connects will take the place of today's intermediate devices, maintaining the functionality of current switches, routers, and gateways.

Several optical fiber switches are generally used for telecommunicatoins using an optical network.Mechanical 1*2 optical switches which adjust the optical axis of fibers by mechanical motion of a movable fiber have been developed using several micro actuator.Including SMA actuators.The switches have advantages of low insertion loss and high cross -channel isolation because of the admirable optical property of optical fibers.

Utilizing standard optical fibers, mechanical 1*2 optical switches have been fabricated.A meandering SMA actuator for lateral displacement of a movable fiber has been fabricated by laser cutting of an SMA sheet.V-grooves for precise positioning of the movable fiber are fabricated by anisotropic etching of the Si substrate.

Mechanical 1*2 optical switches using Plastic Optical Fiber Cable (POF) with a relatively large core diameter have been developed.A magnetic latch keeps the position of the movable POF on the left or right side at a steady state.SMA microcode is included with a magnetic material ring and electrodes by soldering.

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The evolution of optical communications systems indicates that the optical networks of the near future will be mesh-based WDM nodes with multilaterally switching capabilities.This innovative optical transport layer will use optical cross connects and Roadms,. To establish fast reconfiguration and provisioning of bandwidth for the transport of all types of communications protocols, since a constant Mechanical Optical Switch is not yet available, MEMS Optical Switch  is currently utilized.

Introduction To Optical Switches



We are aware of using numerous types of electronic switches in the field of conventional communications networks.No communication network can exist without switches.The basic telecommunications network came into existence only when the set of dedicated wires between a number of customers was replaced by a switching box.Switches are the vital components of a fiber -optic communications network.

Since electronic switching, the vital components of a fiber -optic communications network.Since electronic switching is a well -developed technology, it would seem natural to utilize these switches to fiber optic network .However, the price for using this mature technology is optical to electrical conversion with all the associated drawbacks of this method.O/E and E/O conversion result in the loss of data -stream transparency, that is,such conversion can be done only for a specific bit rate and data format.In addition, the extraordinary power consumption and cost associated with the amount of electronic equipment required.Diminish the attractiveness of this switching technique.Nonetheless, electronic switching is no other switching technique, in today's fiber optic network.Such as telephone networks, where optical fiber serves as the transmission medium and all terminal equipment is still automated.

We will concentrate on optical switches are the components of fiber optic networks.These switches rout components because they require external power for operation and they are actuated by a 5V electrical signal.Fiber Optical Switch  have ever found a number of applications in today's fiber -optic communications systems and they will be vital components in tomorrow's fiber -optic networks.We will discuss these applications when we consider the specific types of switches, since optical switches terminology and optical switch architecture come from electronic telecommunications switching technology,for example,the term space switch refers to the switch that physically connects one fiber to another.That is,it provides circuit switching.

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We can break optical switches into broad categories: single switches and multistage switches.Single switches are made in latching and non latching styles.The latching operation ensures that the switch remains in its selected position if power is lost.Switches are available in electro -optical,onto mechanical,thermo-optical and aristocratical forms.Opto-mechanical Switch  are built on the mechanical motion of the optical components.For example,vertical moving the prism. Enables switching of an optical signal from 2to fiber 3.The same result can be achieved by slightly pivoting a spherical mirror.

The Optical Switching To Optimize Fiber Optics Communications


The recent introduction of DWDM into telecommunications backbones has fueled the need for optical switching to fully optimize fiber -optics communications.An optical switch provides functionality similar to an electrical switch can be broadly categorised as either opaque or to a particular output port.Optical switches can be broadly categorised as either opaque or transparent.Opaque systems require one or more optical to electrical conversions to switch data using conventional methods.Also, it is within the electrical domain that signals are managed and monitored.Opaque systems are also known as oil switches.Transparent switches are further referenced as Fiber Optical Switch .Throughout this report, we are inclined to use the of terms all optical and OEO.

While discussing terminology, it will perhaps be useful for the reader to be aware that optical switches have sometimes been raised in the past as photogenic switches, although the term seems mostly to have referred to all optical switches.However, the term plutonic appears, for some reason, to be divided into disuse.Meanwhile, three terms that once had fairly distinct meanings appear to be losing preciseness within the context of optical networking.These terms are switched,cross-connect, and router.In classical telecommunicatios parlance, a switch as a physical device that can make rapid connections among a large number of endpoints.Perfect examples of such a switch would be the Lucent 5ESS and Nortel Digital Multiplex System machines that dominate telephone company central offices.

A cross connection is truly a specialized kind of switch intended to reconsider a network to meet changing needs or for restoration in times of a network problem.As such, it much switch large individual bandwidths and will need fewer ports than, say the DMS.A conventional example of a cross connection would be the Lucent Digital Acess and Croos connect System. The Opto-mechanical Switch that are dealt within this report are actually cross connects.The day in which 5ESS are replaced with an all optical equivalent is still a long way off.

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Finally, there is the issue of routers, classically, a router was a software device that was used to route messages through a packet network.Routers have gradually become to IP networks with switches are to traditional telecom networks.However, the latest generations of IP boxes combine both classical routing and classical switching features-routing to switch depending on the nature of the traffic being transported.Thai merging of the roughening and switch world will have nothing to do with the optical networking revolution, but rather has merely received yet, another semantic twist in the optical era--thanks to Lucent Technologies.This vendor; s Lamdarouter is likely to be an influential n product.However, it is no longer a router at all --it is a cross connection.Meanwhile, real router vendors are adding optical interfaces to their boxes.At some time in the future, a true optical router may emerge that would utilize managed optical packets in an IP environment regardless of the fact that, again, such as product is a long way from development.

Different Types Of Optical Switch



Various optical networks incorporate optical switches.Networks that require protection switching.Where key attributes must be reliable operation after a long period in a position, system monitoring, and diagnosis commonly operation after a long time in one position, system monitoring, and diagnosis commonly features these units.Speed is no longer a meaningful parameter for these applications. At speeds up to tens of milliseconds are considered acceptable.Dynamic optical routing later on will require much faster switching speeds.

Or technologies are put in place to optical switching than any other function within the optical networks.Four principal varieties of optical switches include opo-mechanical switches, thermo optic switches.Electro optic switches, and all Fiber Optical Switch .

Opto-mechanical Switch

Move and fiber these collated beams around inside the device.This is anticipated low optical loss, and hosts the distance between the output and input move and fiber optic cable these collimator beams round inside the device.This allows for low optical loss, and permits distance between the output and input fibers without deleterious effects.These devices have more bulky opposed to other alternatives, although modern micro-mechanical devices overcome this.

Thermo-optic Switches

These are usually based on waveguides made in polymers or silica.For operation, they are dependent on the change of refractive index with temperature created by a resistive heater placed above the waveguide.Their slowness is not opposed to them in current applications.

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Elector-optic Swithces

There are typically semiconductor-based, and their operation is a function of the change of refractive index with the electric field.This characteristic renders them intrinsically high -speed devices with low power consumption.Neither the electro -optic or thermo-optic switches can yet match the insertion loss, back reflection and long term stability of optical -mechanical optical switches.



A fiber optic controlled switch has been identified as a potentially promising alternative to the conventional wall mounted light switch which uses copper wire normally run inside conduit.The article paper describes the considerations prior to the switch design and the problems met during fabrication and design, as part of the lighting energy conservation research program hosted by the National Research Council of Canada.

The Fiber Optical Switch which is outlined below is schematically illustrated.The entire switch system is made up of three separate subsystems: the control module, the fiber, as well as the wall switch.The control module is truly a three terminal devices connecting in the electrical line.The module houses the triac switch. Could be much longer, as the attenuation properties of the fiber were minor in comparison to the other system losses.The wall switch is a simple mechanical devices; the two fibers entering are close and aligned together so that light is referred from one to the other.Sliding path, thereby triggering the control module, even though the light -emitting diode source and the photo -duplication detector.The light-emitting diode remains on whether the triac switch is placed on or off.The light from the light-emitting diode is delivered to the wall switch through one of the Fiber Optic Cable Products .The same light is passed back from the wall switch to the control module interfaces with the photo-darlington trigger the triac inside the control module.The optical fiber used was 300 micron core plastics clad silica fiber with a nylon jacket but could easily have been a twin type fiber with adhesive backing to permit easy installation on wall surfaces.The length of each of the two fiber links was 13 meters.

Are attractive because the switch assembly could then be factory packaged without the necessity for a tradesman to make fiber connections at the job site.As the wall switch requires no switch box and is no larger than a cigarette packer, there is greater flexibility in both its design and location, installation of the fiber optic solutions control system requires connecting the control module in the lamp circuit in the ceiling plenum to the wall switch by a dual fiber.Both the optic fiber and the wall switch can be fitted to the surface of the wall switch can be installed on the surface of the wall since both are completely isolated elecrically.The length of optic fiber can be adjusted either by cutting G on site or by coiling extra fiber lengths in the ceiling plenum.The latter lengths.

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Some great benefits of the fiber optic switch include: Damp,or generally hostile environments,and flexibility ,as office spaces often undergo changes in work station layout the fiber optic switch can be covered over or relocated very easily, low installation costs because "control wires" and the wall switch can be surface mounted;the switches can be installed on external walls without puncturing vapour barriers;the switches can be installed close to or at work stations;there is increased safety since the switch is completely isolated from the power circuit the electrical isolation means that the switch can be installed safely in explosive.